Our extensive global market reach allows us to consistently achieve the best IT remarketing sales values.

We accept most working, non-working, faulty, and damaged IT assets, including desktops, laptops, mobile phones, tablets, LCDs, servers, storage, networking, and telephony equipment.

BMS protects your valuable IP by using market-leading Blancco software to ensure the data erasure of your IT assets is 100% compliant with multinational government and military standards.

We provide a secure chain of custody, itemise every device’s serial number, and provide a data erasure certificate for each hard drive wiped.

Repurposing surplus computer equipment is at the core of what we do. By extending the life of an asset, secondary users are given the opportunity to access technology at a lower entry cost. 

Of the 100,000 assets we process annually, only a minimal amount needs to be recycled as e-waste.  We use processes approved by the Environmental Protection Authority to ensure electronic waste streams are appropriately managed both locally and offshore. These processes enable waste to be diverted from landfills, significantly reducing the impact of end-of-life computer equipment on our environment. 

Our in-house asset management system, ARMS (Asset Recovery Management System), provides an auditable trail for all assets we process from the time of intended return to the point of sale. This portal provides our customers with a transparent view of the journey each asset takes through our facility and provides notifications to keep you updated and informed each step along the way.